Tips for Treating Non-Healing Diabetic Wounds to Prevent Amputation


For the many millions of people living with diabetes, a simple scrape or small cut can escalate into a serious concern. The interplay of impaired blood circulation and elevated blood sugar levels often delays the natural healing process, leading to what is termed ‘non-healing diabetic wounds’. These wounds, if not addressed promptly, can lead to dire consequences like infections or, in severe cases, amputation. But it’s not all bleak. With the right knowledge and proactive measures, such complications can often be prevented. This guide dives deep into understanding diabetic wounds and provides practical advice on treating them effectively to ensure a faster recovery and avoid severe complications.

Understanding Diabetic Wounds

Why do diabetic wounds take longer to heal?

Diabetes affects many parts of the body, including the circulatory system. Poor blood flow can reduce the oxygen and nutrients available for wound healing. Moreover, high blood sugar can weaken the immune system, making it harder to fight off potential infections in wounds.

The link between blood sugar levels and healing

Maintaining optimal blood sugar levels plays a pivotal role in treating diabetic wounds. When blood sugar is too high, it can prevent white blood cells from effectively combating infections. Hence, controlling your diabetes is the first step in treating diabetic wounds.

Steps in Treating Diabetic Wounds

Regular monitoring

Being proactive is key. Regularly inspecting for cuts, sores, or blisters, especially on the feet, can help detect potential issues before they escalate. If you spot a wound, start treating diabetic wounds immediately and seek medical advice.

Proper cleaning and disinfection

Clean wounds gently with mild soap and water. Avoid using harsh chemicals that might aggravate the wound. Disinfecting the wound prevents infections and promotes faster healing.

Use of specialized dressings

Moist dressings vs. Dry dressings

Moist dressings keep the wound environment hydrated and can hasten cell growth and repair. On the other hand, dry dressings can be used for wounds that are excessively wet or oozing. Speak to your doctor about the most appropriate dressing for your wound.

Preventing Diabetic Ulcers

Importance of proper foot care

Taking care of your feet is essential. Keep them clean, dry, and moisturized. Avoid walking barefoot and always check inside your shoes for foreign objects. Trim your toenails straight across to prevent ingrown toenails.

Protective footwear

Wearing shoes that fit well and provide good support can prevent injuries. Diabetic shoes are specially designed to reduce the risk of skin breakdown in diabetics with co-existing foot disease.

Early intervention

The moment you notice any signs of a diabetic ulcers, it’s imperative to act swiftly. The sooner you start treating diabetic wounds, the better the outcome.

The role of diet and blood sugar management

Your diet plays an essential role in wound healing. Consuming foods rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals can aid the healing process. Regularly monitoring and managing your blood sugar is equally crucial.

Advanced treatments available

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

This therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room, enhancing the amount of oxygen in the blood, which can promote the healing of certain types of wounds.

Skin grafts and substitutes

In severe cases, where the wound doesn’t respond to traditional treatments, skin grafts or substitutes might be considered.


How often should I inspect my feet if I have diabetes?

Regular daily inspections are recommended, especially if you’ve had foot problems before.

Can I use any over-the-counter ointment for diabetic wounds?

It’s best to consult with a healthcare professional before applying any ointment to ensure it’s suitable for your wound type.

Why are diabetic ulcers commonly found on the feet?

The feet are susceptible due to peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage) that often occurs with diabetes, leading to reduced sensation.

Do diabetic ulcers always lead to amputation?

No, with proper care and early intervention, many diabetic ulcers can heal without leading to amputation.

How can I prevent diabetic wounds?

Regular foot inspections, maintaining optimal blood sugar levels, proper footwear, and a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of diabetic wounds.

Considering new treatments for diabetic wounds

Treating diabetic wounds promptly and effectively can prevent complications, including the devastating outcome of amputation. By understanding the unique challenges of diabetic wound care, one can make informed decisions and adopt best practices in wound management. If you or a loved one is suffering from a pesky, non-healing diabetic ulcer, then you might want to consider using a new and innovative topical antibiotic spray called Vitastem Ultra, it is a miracle worker that has helped prevent countless amputations due to diabetic wounds of all types of severity.